Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Haisai ojisan!

"Hey, man! Hey, man! If there’s a drop of sake left in last night’s little bottle, won’t you give me some? Hey, boy! Hey, boy! You think I’m satisfied with a little bottle? Don’t say there’s none left! Ok, man! If the little bottle’s not enough, give me a big one!"

I've spent the better part of two decades listening to Shoukichi Kina. The Peppermint Tea House "best of" cd (naturally available at emusic) always makes me happy - can't ignore something like that!

Why it would take me this long to realize that if there's one, there may be a multitude....can't really say. Let's assume I'm stupid. I was never musically aggressive as a teen, nor in my twenties. It took a befuddled and broken relationship with a brilliant music collector to provide the needed catalyst....and my interest has exploded out of the muck.

In a recent fit of obsessive music-grabbing, I stumbled across the Ryukyu Rare Groove: Shimauta Pops comp on the lovely "What's in my iPod?" blog. I was improved immediately. It had never occurred to me to look for more - couldn't rightly tell you whether I even knew that Shoukichi Kina was from Okinawa until that day. Wow! Okinawan music! Must have more!

I suppose I sound like a bit of a twat, all things considered. 1) I don't understand the lyrics. 2) I have no cultural context. 3) And, slightly stickier issue, The Japanese Thing. I must admit a nearly morbid fascination with Japanese film, literature and their visual arts. I've been attempting to learn Japanese (slowly, it must be admitted) to further my appreciation. And it does beg a few questions about whether listening to music for music's sake is ok. I think it is. And okinawan music is of the best sort ^^

Since then, I've researched when I can. And grabbed what I can. My knowledge is still piecemeal, and I have yet to visit the Ryukyu islands. However, there is great love and intent in me. And in the spirit of this journey I'm taking, will drag you along with me.

喜納昌吉 Kina Shōkichi, musician, peace activist and Japanese State Senator.

Gorgeous little piece by actor/performer UA:

Stunning archival piece:

I think some of the joy comes from the literal upbeat:

Busker :)

Karakui Okinawan Pop Culture Blog

Okinawa Reflections Blog

The artist-couple Kozyndan's riotously wonderful summer Okinawan mix from ages ago (download still works)

iTunes link for excellent sanshin compilation, "Sanshin de kikitai hikitai okinawa minyou Best 15"

And finally, for a great deal of fun, here are two versions of Haisai Ojisan (one of my favorites):

Great traditional version

And one by Richard Thompson

Very scattered entry, but hope you enjoy! :)

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